In the present section you could find the guidelines for your presentation


➦ Total duration of each symposium must be of 1 hour and 30 min.

Keynote speakers: talk must last a maximum of 25 min with 5 min of questions (total budget 30 min as maximum)

Speakers: talk must last a maximum of 15 min with 3 min of questions (total budget 18 min as maximum)

In case that at the same symposium there is a keynote speaker, speakers’ presentations must last 12 min with 3 min of questions to avoid exceeding the 1 hour and 30 min

➦ We ask please to symposia’ organizers and speakers accommodate the aforementioned times in order to respect the tight schedule of the event

➦ English is the official language of the congress and we encourage its use throughout the entire event. However, if necessary for better communication, speakers may use their native language keeping their presentation’ slides in English

We strongly recommend that presentations be made in Microsoft Office compatible softwares. Thus, we will prevent the presentation slides loss its format and animations.


➦ Total duration of each oral presentation must be 10 min.

➦ After each presentation,  audience have 2 min for questions

➦ There’s no limit for slides, the only limit is the 10 min. Please respect the time assigned and have consideration for the other speakers

Also, it is not our intention to limit the way you present your research. Therefore, there is no stipulated format for the design of the slides (i.e., letter format, figures, etc.), and you can use any media type of file in the presentation

We strongly recommend that presentations be made in Microsoft Office compatible softwares. Thus, we will prevent the presentation slides loss its format and animations.


➦ Poster must be vertical orientation

Maximum measurements: 120 (height) x 90 (width) cm

➦ Posters are going to be placed on a glass window. Thus, they should not be heavy, so we recommend that they be printed on paper.

➦ Also, it is not our intention to limit the way you present your research. Therefore, there is no stipulated format for the design of the posters (i.e., letter format, figures, etc.)

➦ Posters are going to be in exhibition until Wednesday 6th so that participants could appreciate them. However, evaluation of presentation will be on Monday 4th (ODD NUMBERS)  and Tuesday 5th (EVEN NUMBERS). To check your poster number please click in the next button